The Society of Heraldic Art


Steve Cowan, C.D., U.E., L.R.H.S.C., S.H.A. +click image(s) to enlarge

Having studied both heraldry and digital art under the tutelage of Laurie Patten, F.R.H.S.C., S.H.A., I qualified for my Licentiate of the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada in 2015. While I had been pushing paint around a canvas I found the application of digital art applies extremely well with heraldry; using a new technique for an old art form seems to complement each other. For the heraldic achievements, table shields, wall plaques and bookends I make the fine detail of a vector image from either on original design or from a grant of arms the armiger provides. What started as a project to research the design and application of naval ship badges has turned into an appreciation of heraldry and its applications.

Regardless of the item being made I do original digital artwork for each piece. And the artwork is also provided to the clients as a high quality computer image for their use on documents, decals, banners or whatever the armiger desire.

Steve Cowan
227 – 680 Murrelet Drive
BC V9M 3P2

Tel: 250 890 0225

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